Back-to-school season is finally upon us, and along with the hustle and bustle of the morning drop-off line and the sharing of crayons—and germs—comes that pesky, unwanted flu bug. Yes, the culprit that brings aches, chills, and fevers to many people each year.
Of course, there are several factors that can help decrease your chances of getting the flu—like washing your hands often, covering your nose and mouth, and getting plenty of rest, to name a few. But also, the food that you put into your body can play a role in defending yourself against the flu.
Keep reading to discover the foods, herbs, and vitamins that help ward off the flu and those that will help your body heal if you should catch the sniffles.
1. Chicken soup for the soul.
There are many ingredients in classic chicken noodle soup recipes that will help your body when it’s fighting the flu. The chicken will provide your body with iron and protein while the vegetables will supply your body with nutrients. The chicken broth—or any other type of broth—from the soup will help with dehydration, a common flu symptom. It’s common to not have an appetite when you’re ill, but it’s best to get some sort of liquid into the body.
2. Garlic has immune-enhancing effects.
This one may be a surprise, but with garlic’s nutritional benefits, it may be a good idea to take a garlic supplement or take a few bites of garlic when you start developing flu symptoms. Garlic boosts the virus-fighting T-cells in your blood, diminishing the effects of viral colds and the flu.
3. Vitamin C for the win.
Vitamin C is the main vitamin that helps boost your immune system. While taking Vitamin C supplements can help your body, it’s recommended that you receive the nutrients by eating healthy foods. Fruits like strawberries, tomatoes, and citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C.
4. Go green.
Leafy greens and broccoli are filled with nutrients, like Vitamin C and E, and can help your body fight against any illnesses. Try throwing in some spinach and fruit into a blender and having a delicious, healthy smoothie while you’re laid up on the couch. Consider indulging on broccoli toward the middle or end of your sickness.
5. Drink plenty of fluids.
Because dehydration is possible during the flu, the staff at St. George Medical Clinic really push that their patients get plenty of fluids while recovering. Consider sipping on hot ginger tea, broth, 100 percent juice, and/or a honey and lemon mixture.
So whether you’re currently battling the flu or have yet to catch the culprit, it’s best to start eating healthier food full of nutrients and consider taking an immune-boosting supplement.
If you start to feel under the weather, don’t hesitate to give St. George Medical Clinic a call at 304-478-3339.